When we use our cellphone, we are unmindful of how we handle our device. If the phone does not have a protective cover or is not kept in a pouch, then it has to take the brunt of your carelessness mainly scratches on the display screen which may make your handset look old, shabby and ugly. Scratches on the display screen are usually caused by coins or by keys lying in your pocket or may also be caused by accidentally dropping you phone. A few simple and easy to follow tips can make your handset glow and also as good as new.
Read How To Protect Your Cellphone Screen
Steps to remove scratches from the screen
1. With a handy polishing cloth, softly clean your handset and see if the scratches have diminished. If the scratches are still visible then, go to step 2
2. Take IPA solution (Iso Propyl Alcohol which is available at every cellphone spare parts store) and rub gently on the screen with the soft polishing cloth. You can use spirit, if you do not have access to IPA. Even after this the scratches are still not erased then try this unfailing option.
3. Take a bottle of clear nail polish and apply a thin film on the display screen in a sweeping manner. DO NOT let it dry and then softly clean the screen with a polishing cloth to get a good shine. When the scratches are deep the nail polish fills in the grooves and thus helps in erasing all the deep scratch marks.
Note: If after trying the above procedure, you are not able to remove the harsh scratches, then you will have to simply replace the screen. All the above tips have been tried and tasted to give you successful results.